Blooming Marvelous

Friday 14 November 2014

A sneaky peek into my past.

This last few weeks i took a trip into my past. Visiting family in Yorkshire and Sussex, from my current home in Aberdeenshire. 
What did I experience in these flashbacks to a past life?, well the initial stop in Yorkshire gave me, and the wife, a chance to recoup after the long dash along the M6, A66 and A1, through 40-50 miles of torential rain and at, almost 60 years of age, I can tell you I was knackered. Yorkshire, my home County, was inviting and the slip across the border was a little thrilling, as the younger days came flooding back.
My beautiful sister Shirl (Shirley Anne), or Annie as she prefers to be called, was her usual smiling self lifted my spirits and soon created a resting nest for us to recharge our fatigued souls.

The next day saw us flashing down the A1, M18, M1, M25 and M23, to Sussex. Here our daughters still live with their own families and we looked forward to their company.
We were to stay at our daughter Melanie's home and, after past experience, we looked forward to a restful haven for our week, or so's stay.
The next few days were quite difficult for my wife and I, as our disabilities became a hinderance to our wishes and sort to inhibit the plans that had been ours. After these delays we strengthened to appreciate the efforts that Melanie was making to lighten our limitations. So she did, and we visited tea rooms and other locations, each sparking ever greater relaxation and calming attitudes. GREAT.
As time ticked by, we began to reflect on what had been our lives in this County. Unfortunately we did not have any rekindling of the spark that had taken us into Sussex, some decades before. having said this, our daughters and our grandchildren gave us great happiness and pleasure. Hoow we enjoyed their company and the time spent there. Wonderful people and I am proud to call them my family.

Well, time waits for no man, as the saying goes, and it surely sped by for us. Soon the joy and love had to be curbed and we were at a time when we had to say goodbye, until another year. How I loved my time in Sussex and as we pulled away from Melanie, my heart felt a little jolt as its stings stretched to their breaking point. The wife's tears fell as we left the estate and on, to the North.

The run to Yorkshire, our staging point for the next four days, was much better than the journey down. Re entry into "Gods County" (YORKSHIRE) was great and I have to say that the previous days of rest had prepared me to appreciate the blessing of the return to my birthplace.
To say I was emotional would be a little exaggerated but the flush of happy thoughts flooded my innards. As we approached the nucleaus of my childhood I remembered days of laughter and running about with friends and family. The relaxing aura continued to surround my journey and the arrival to my sister's came promptly.
Another smiling face greeted our entry to her home and the warmth of the Yorkshire ethos continued.

The next day we rose to a wet and windy morning, yet the feelings continued. Visits to supermarkets and old friends followed and repeated days of relaxation and contemplation compounded my chilled state. Yesterday, Thursday, I had a slight "panic" attack as the realisation that I had the reality of a return to Aberdeenshire looming. Why? I really do not know (if I would lie to myself). However, I do know, and this is nothing at all to do with the County. Pressure on my time and knowledge has always been something that I have been happy, and more than able to deal with, however of late I have had feelings of partial loss of control of my life. Age, disability and the lack of a fulfilling past-time all joining hands to depress my mind and body. Family dismay and the inclusion of cancer, into the mix, has pressed hard down on our coping strategies.
Ideas of a return to Yorkshire are firmly fuelled and a property with 13 bedrooms seems to have our name on it. Whether this will come to fruition will depend on the return to "home" and the demands on our lives.
I am off, now, to continue the state of repose and my resolve to change my future coping strategies. Altered horizons are clearing and my commitment to seeing this change is concrete.

A toast to the future and a nip of malt to me. Here I come.........

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Our children are an asset we cannot squander. For those who seek to exploit or abuse our children, BEWARE! Our future depends on their safety, so we will protect them.


If you suffer from aches and pains it is important to make sure you have established whether these pains are superficial or critical, that is to say, as a result of a knock or bump or are more serious and may be some disabling condition.
Never be afraid or unsure about speaking to your doctor. As the saying goes, "it is better to be sure". Believe me it is always better, my wife and I went five years before we sort help from our doctor, to find out that she was suffering from "fibro-myalgia, angina and high blood-pressure" and I had damage to two areas of my spine and more recently asthma. She ended up in a wheel-chair for three years, only more recently (six years on) being able to walk some times, with great pain.
Never sell yourself short.


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"Save Cash and Reduce Fuel" CLICK PHOTO..
A list of suppliers with reduced tarrifs?

Do we need to change the way society thinks and acts?



What is your child doing, today?

What is your child doing, today?
Keep your young children close.